Wednesday, February 23, 2005

No violation

Good news. I am as yet unviolated. Please do not interpret that as an invitation or a challenge.

Doctor's offices remind me of how short life is, with all the hokey Dr. Phil language normally associated with that sentiment. Feels like a automotive repair shop, like you're going in for your 50,000 mile checkup. Hopefully your doctor doesn't try to sell you the virtual equivalent of an unneeded air filter when you visit. You know your time is ticking down and they just want to see what they can do to keep the wheels on the road as long as possible. Wow, anyone wanna watch "When A Man Loves a Woman" or "Terms of Endearment" with me?

Athletics has added new banners to the side of the light poles surrounding the coliseum. They depict action shots of the various sports that play in the Stegosaurus. I am hoping to live in a neighborhood that allows me to do this based on the events of my life at a given time. If I'm in a frustrated writing mood, said banners will depict me, head in one hand, mechanical pencil in the other. If I'm being lazy, I will be seen laying on a couch with the remote control in my hand, looking around a can of Pringles to see the tube. If I'm in one of my four-times-yearly cleaning modes, you'll see me with all of my clothes on the recliner, folding a t-shirt, with a big Martha Stewart grin on my face.

I convinced Trina that I had an extra kidney, but in fact, I do not.

1 comment:

Gunner said...

Perhaps they have written in your chart to wait for the Dr with Shaq-like hands that can palm a beachball....shudder.