Wednesday, February 01, 2006


In spite of the time indicated at the foot of this blog, I did wake at a reasonable hour today. I worked for Alan and Erik for a while, then sat and watched a few minutes of the Hist0ry Channel’s discussion of the American space program and somehow fell asleep. I awoke just in time to be late to my appointment with Matlock. We made a lot of progress on the murder song, and I think I’m prepared to share a bit in the mountains this weekend. Matlock also gave me some firewood for our use in the mountains.

I then worked for Alan and Erik a bit more as I listened to the State of the Union Address. Then I made a very rough recording of this version of the murder song for Blog This and Ludakit. Both have recordings, which they won’t distribute.

I have a nice lunch appointment tomorrow (today) with the gentleman who convinced me to move here. We’re discussing a character in a song we’re working on. Sometimes I think you can get involved enough in a character that you temporarily forget who you are. That could be dangerous, and thus I find myself returning home, as I am (to a degree) this weekend.

I am on Cloud 4.5 right now. Not down, not up. Just observing. Glad I am not bummed. But wondering what euphoria would feel like, and quite certain that this is months or years away. Euphoria is the only thing I miss about my old job… it was so rare, but so definite.

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