Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Idol Chatter 4/11/06

Damnit, Ln. How's that?


Oob said...

I only saw Chris and Katherine... not bad overall, either one. I was too busy chasing rugrats around the house.

That guy said...

Glad I'm not the only one that associates that memory with that song. Good times, good times.

Matt T said...

It was a good show, everyone was pretty good except for Ace.

Kelly nailed Bohemian Rhapsody.

it also made me think of the Redcoats show.

Ludakit said...

Jesus (not the son of God, but the guy at Home Depot), please let Bucky get kicked off tonight.

Kelly blew one note in Bohemian. No one noticed. Chris was good and I think that guy is true blue rock. Taylor was REALLY good, Katharine McSODAMNHOT was good, Ace is an assclown, Paris was OK, Elliot was "eh...alright," and I think that's it.

Seriously though. Bucky shouldn't have made it this far.