Monday, May 01, 2006

Not much to report right now.

1. I saw United 93 yesterday. I don't remember being shaken by a film as much as I was by this one. I really really think it's something everyone should see, even if you're scared to see it. It's not so much an entertainment activity as it is an exercise in returning to reality.

2. I am not joining the immigration debate because someone will miusunderstand or spin my opinion in a way that will piss me off. I will say, however, that I think the moves of the last week by the people who support amnesty have been very stupid. I think they have more severely scared those who were already very alarmed and brought a lot of attention to something that they frankly didn't want to receive attention.


That guy said...

I'm a little wary of seeing that movie in a theater. I'm not much for dealing with intensely emotional material in public. I certainly want to see it, just not necessarily with a bunch of strangers in the room.

As for the immigration debate, right on.

Adam said...

Haven't seen United 93 yet, and I understand where you're coming from on the immigration debate. The inevitable is going to happen, and I'm going to piss off comebody though.

Chris said...

The thought of seeing this movie reminds me of college. Garth and I were both in a pretty good mood. Girlfriends were gone for the weekend and we dicided to go see a movie. We saw Schindler's List. Our good mood was slightly diminished.