Friday, July 06, 2007

No place

The group whose tour I have been managing for five days has just departed Chicago for Georgia. This has been a more exhausting week than any in recent memory and, for at least that reason, I am glad it's over. I should be back at home by 1:30 PM local time, and I can not wait.

As life has changed over the last month or so, I intentionally have been either cryptic or quiet about many of the things that are closest to me. It has been necessary in order to respect the feelings of many with interests in the events of that time. And frankly, musing mostly to myself and very limited others rather than to the world gave these changes the best chance to settle in as I prefer... slowly.

I can assure you that I soon will not be so guarded. Trust me, I still have a lot to tell you, and I anticipate having a lot more to tell you. But I will do so on my schedule. Just know that life is very, very good... or it will be in about seven hours, when I am at home in Nashville with someone who matters. Now more than ever, there truly is no place like home.


Oob said...

Oh... I thought I just smelled bad.

Ludakit said...

i have nothing worthwhile to add except that i'm as glad as can be for you....and that if you want to borrow my ps2, you can. i never play it anymore anyway. besides, it told me the other day that he misses his best dvd player.