Thursday, August 17, 2006

I write now only to avoid being missed or visited by the Blog Police. I have actually been spending some time on the "long, pensive" entry I mentioned on Sunday. It is taking me quite some time to say exactly what I want to say, so I'm going slow.

Really, it's not you; it's me.

In the mean time, a couple of thoughts.

• The J0nBenet thing smells. I don't think this is as near finished as many would have you believe.
• Is the fascination with her murder the fact that it was a cute little girl, that her parents seemed cold, that the police fouled up the investigation, or that the family was rich? I don't understand.
• I don't know if people are enjoying this commercial or not, but it makes me laugh out loud.

... the world... that's right.

• It's looking like it's going to be a four or five-game home football season for me this year. Kinda sad. Nevertheless, I need football to be here now. Now that I am away from it, it is depressingly evident to me that life simply is not the same when it isn't football season.
• I have been getting Googled a lot lately (and no....). I can't begin to guess why.


Oob said...

Ummmm... that commercial left me with a wtf look on my face. But for you, I'll go with it. ;)

Cheers to football season.

Chris said...

LOVE the commercial! Hope all is well.

That guy said...

I think the fascination with the Ramsey murder comes from the suspicion of the parents. The acted pretty weird about the whole thing, and the whole case just seems bizarre. I also agree that it's not as over as some people are hoping.

The guy that 'confessed' doesn't seem very convincing. He said he drugged and raped her...but there were no signs of either in the autopsy. I don't buy it.

Aaaaanyway. The commercial makes me laugh. And hell yeah football season.

WT said...

Yes, I love that commercial too! It actually reminded me of you, both in the "I could see him doing that" sense and a specific memory sense.

In one of my earliest, personal "Brett experience" memories, I walked into JC's office where you were sitting with your feet propped up on the desk and guitar in hand. You promptly improvised a song about me, leaving me stunned primarily at the fact that you knew my name, but also because it was just funny and creative and unique. Welcome to college, Warren T.

Don't know if I ever thanked you for that - so, thanks.

Brett said...

You're welcome. Thanks for the fodder.