Monday, August 28, 2006


Not much to say. Just finished Br00kwood's drill. I find myself getting excited about football season, then being dragged back to Earth by a news report about Iran.

However, you can't help but feel good when listening and watching this. Oh for a life that was that simple again.

Six. Six like a touchdown, not six like Blossom's friend.


Chris said...

Memories. This was on the Electric Company if I am not mistaken. Right?

galarza said...

OMG! i was singing this in the car on the way home from work on friday! i'm about 93% sure its the 'electric company'.

pinball rocks...

That guy said...

Nice "Blossom" call back. Those animations would creep me out as a kid. And if you're bumming about Iran, thesesongs should make you giggle.

Mickey McCale said...

Love the song. I sang along the whole way. The t-bone section in my former college marching band used to play that in the stands every game, probably to commemorate the number of total yards we'd gained.

Rock on with the Blossom reference! Not that I watched that sort of thing, but the SNL parodies tore my shit up!!! See ya soon, bro.