Sunday, March 09, 2008

Put 'em in your mouth

Friday evening marked the return of Russell and Ellen to Athens. It had been too long.

That night, we made homemade corndogs, the recipe for which came from fellow alum Alton Brown. After eating the homemade variety, I will never put the rotten prefab shit in my mouth ever again. If you would like the recipe, you can look in his book. Just be warned. Your calorie counter may behave erratically if you attempt to calculate the impact of this particular nutritional choice.

Yesterday, we obviously went to something intended to simulate a basketball game. Afterwards, we made our inaugural trip to Trappeze. It was a touch crowded, but not too bad by Athens standards. Everyone seemed to enjoy their drink choice. And, of course, we got to drink at Athens prices. As I began typing this, my very significant other said, "We should go back there." We will.

Today, we headed out to a Georgia baseball game, which we somehow managed to lose by blowing a late lead aaaaaagain. We finished the weekend off 0-2 at Georgia athletic events. Not good.

Tonight, Meghan and I rented "The Number 23." The title is significant, because it is what was on the DVD clock when we decided that it was too stupid to continue. "Martian Child," on the other hand, had some nice moments and a cute story.

This weeks is the university spring break, so I will have a break from some of my obligations there. Meghan and I will try to spend some time together (possibly including the new World of Coke), while I try to make up for some lost time due to the indecision in a client. I also head to NYC on Friday evening for a few days of travel company work.


Chris said...

Quit going to Georgia games!

(I'm just saying)

Corn Dawgs, eh? game on. no car.

Moose-Tipping said...

Instead of dropping the money on Alton's book, you could check out the Food Network website:,,FOOD_9936_25894,00.html

(Here's hoping the whole URL comes through.)

Moose-Tipping said...

Looks like it didn't. OK, here 'tis again, this time separated for pasting purposes: