Monday, July 28, 2008


The latest installment of My Life as a Thirty-Four Year-Old Band Geek finds us in beautiful Cullowhee, NC on the campus of Western Carolina University. We are surrounded by mountains on a small but modern campus with facilities that are adequate to allow us to do what we need to do.

This is all fine and good. What is great is the temperature. We broke 100 degrees several times over the last few years in Clinton, SC, - a situation that was dangerous and downright inconvenient (I don't know what it is about the border of South Carolina that makes anything in the state hotter than anything outside of it... except the women). So far today here in the mountains, we have been about ten degrees cooler than Atlanta. When I walked out of my dorm at 8am this morning, it was about 62 degrees.

Plus there is a Walmart three miles away which has a great stock of Red Bull, Gold Bond, Yuengling (no, I didn't) flushable wipes, ibuprofen, and sunscreen. So everything seems fine, except I swear I keep hearing distant banjos.


Chris said...

The last line of your entry... (And I don't mean to let my inner 12 yo out)... I first read it as "I swear I keep hearing distant handjobs."

Sorry... just what I saw the first time.


Anonymous said...

...but will you bring the Yuengling back with you??

Special K said...

"I hear banjos...paddle faster"


You suck because it's hot as hell here and only gonna get worse. It could be the !34% humidity and not the 94 degree temp.