Friday, November 11, 2005

In Georgia...

... and happy, but a bit bummed.

My grandmother died this evening. This was not my most dearly loved Granny Sue. But she was a woman for whom I had a great deal of sympathy and intrigue.

Mom called tonight while I was at the home of Blog This and GeorgiaGirl. Unfortunately, I will have to leave Georgia early to attend the funeral. I will make the game, but not much more. I will be back for KY.

I am thankful that I don't have to permit a world in which women must live the way that this woman did. She was wonderful... a very loving caring woman. But she was also brainwashed into believing that she was less than the other gender. She believed that she owed men something. She felt that there were joys in life of which she was unworthy. She perceived herself to be second tier.

God rest her soul, I am sorry that she is gone... she was a long-term Alzheimer’s patient. But I am glad she isn't suffering anymore. And I am very glad that she no longer feels like a second-class citizen.

I don't understand a lot of things about the world. But I wonder what she could have contributed if she had only been permitted to contribute.

Please... no comments of sympathy. We haven't been close since I was a child.

But I admit that this only further confuses my perception of an already confusing world.

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