I managed somehow to omit this picture of a lego man sitting on a bench outside the Lego Store from my Friday collection. It just seemed photo-worthy, so here:
Saturday, we took a trip up the Sears Tower. While I took several pictures, none of them really does the view any justice. Also, none of them replicates the feeling of the building swaying in the wind. I wonder if people who work there ever get used to it.
This is a thawing Lake Michigan from the 103rd floor of the tower.
After a tour of the city, we ended up at Millenium Park. One of the coolest features of the park is this piece of art. I seized the opportunity for a skewed picture of myself. I'm the one on the middle left, wearing the blue jacket and in need of a good stretching.
Late that afternoon, we wound up at the Navy Pier for dinner. I finally walked all the way to the end.
Last but not least, I took fifty high school students to hear the Chicag0 Symph0ny. In the midst of hearing some Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven 5, I took the following unauthorized picture.
As I was walking out of the concert, I ran into (of all people) J0hn Lynch (the newly appointed Direct0r of Bands at my alma mater) and Amy Kn0pps (old friend via Knight). We spoke briefly and then I had to get back to work. It stuns me how small the world is.
Sunday morning, they loaded a bus. Five minutes later I boarded a shuttle for Midway and was home by 1:00pm. It was then that I learned that my parents were in Nashville making an offer on a piece of land. I went to see it, and it is beautiful. This is a picture of what their front porch view would look like if it rested on a fuzzy and incredibly enlarged version of my finger.
Work and hopefully a little time off of my feet over the next two days. NYC Wednesday.
the lego man creeps me out.
Have fun in NYC. I look forward to more pictures!
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