Wednesday, February 06, 2008

If you would like to witness the collapse of one part of the music industry as it happens, follow this story. The way I see it, the outcome of this will be the end of the major labels as we know them or the end of the songwriting profession as we know it. I'm sure you know what side I'm on.

(HT - Hagood)


Dave said...

It seems to me that if record labels are pissed about this, then it is their own fault.

They have failed to conform their business model to the changing trends in the way people receive music, choosing instead to spend their energies pursuing $1,000,000 lawsuits filed against 19-year-old kids for illegally downloading their favorite song. (Not agreeing with copyright infringement, just commenting on frivolous litigation.)

The music is the constant here, and those who create it and/or perform it shouldn't be penalized in tandem with the major labels simply because the labels allowed themselves to be obsoleted by evolving technology.

Chris said...

Since our discussions on the topic quite some time ago, I am an avid believer that pirating music is wrong... that being said... I am pretty sure the RIAA is pure evil.