Sunday, January 27, 2008

Synchro de "Oh, My!"

Meghan, her father, and I went to a synchronized swimming meet today. Not in a million years did I ever think I would do this but I did.

Meghan's cousin is a member of the team that was coming to town to compete with Georgia's team (which is a club team). If the recap would have made the paper, the headline would have been something stupid like "Synchron-Ass-Kicking." Here's their version of the story.

It's totally boring to watch on television. And I don't suspect that you will find me becoming a season ticket holder. But it's definitely a much more demanding activity than it is often credited for being. And watching someone who knew what they were doing was more impressive than I thought it would be.

Still, during the weaker performances (all of which were by our club team) I couldn't help being reminded of this video.

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