Friday, October 07, 2005

The difference, abbreviated random time, and nicknames

I have always deeply appreciated the line of thought that says "There is very little difference between a rut and a groove." I find myself in one or the other. Judging by the product of tonight, it seems much more like a groove right now. I far prefer it that way.

I was walking back into my apartment from a brief trip to a local fast food establishment, when, from overhead, I heard "Bre+t B@wcum!" This was quite alarming, as I am one of a very few people in this town who know my own name at this point in time. I looked up to the balcony above my apartment (yes, the balcony of the place that once flooded my home with fecal blessings, and the same abode of whose residents I frequently complain regarding their "walking too heavily"). It was an old friend from my high school church days in Gwinnetia... cigarette in hand, in town for a church conference. My how times have changed, but it was nice to see him. At least we're all paying the same penance, or learning the same truths, or untruths, or whatever the hell (I mean heaven! I mean heaven!) they are.

My cable went out in the 3rd quarter of the Tech game, which deprived me of the right to see Tech get beat in heartbreaking fashion. The world truly is unjust. (Editor's note: The game began to air [or perhaps "err" is more appropriate] just as I was checking this entry. Gonna be a long night.)

So instead, I wrote me a song, that had nothing to do with a guy named Jim Bob Cooter. I will however be checking my own genealogy to see if I am related to him. I would say that's a distinct possibility.

For the record: My brother and I were given the names we were given because my parents had an strong wish that no one would shorten or bastardize our names. My brother's name is Ch@d. To this day, the only nickname he has is "Ch@ddy Ch@ddy Bangbang." As a child, mine was "Bre++y Bre++y Dingding." Since then, I can list several bastardizations that have been created by people who love (or once did) me, that I think are more severe than someone even being named Noel or Russell:

Brettus Maximus
Brettisimus Maximus (which I suppose ranks most highly among this and the previous two)
Bre++y (ex-girlfriend, who shall remain nameless [though she has at least one], once said upon receiving water from my Brit@ filter, "Where'd you get good water, Bre++y?" I don't know why that has stuck with me.)
Breast (a personal favorite... you think I am kidding)
Breast BallsCum
Bawc (after which my younger brother was named "ReBawc")
Brettskers (stop)
Uncle Brett

I have also received a few other nicknames, unrelated to my actual name.

Buddy (if you are a male, and you use this, I will kill your favorite pet, or disconnect your cable, whichever is easiest)
Tiger (a no-no)
Champ (an absolute no-no, unless you are on deck to birth my children, in which case I might let it slide)
Chief (that's now my father)
El Pus
Kirb (which could just as easily have been "Curb")
Tos+ito Man
Little Buddy (I will deal with the grand jury in whatever way is necessary if you use this)

So there. I like nicknames, but I think I have enough.


Will said...

I would like to appologize for using Buddy, Slick, and Chief. I'm sure I probably used one of them the last time you and I talked. By the way no go on Nashville. I'll probably be leaving for Michigan that weekend.

Trey said...

Hey dicknuts! How's it goin?

Gunner said...

Knob Polisher?

Brett said...

I think Knob Polisher was an award for a particular year, and not an eternal appelation. I will check the by-laws and get back to you. dmjigcu

That guy said...

You forgot 'coach.' Not quite as inventive as 'Breast BallsCum,' but I guess they can't all be gems.


Brett said...

Ah yes, Coach. That should be added. Oh, and the Brookwood kids call me God (no, I'm not kidding). Nice "gems" comment. zetsbdb

Brett said...

OOooooooooooohhhhhh! Impressive!