Sunday, October 16, 2005


I had an awesome weekend with my old friend. It was just perfect to see her, and I know she was happy to get away from school for a couple of days. Long story short, I think we both had a blast, and I think we both needed that. I know you don’t give a gator about the details of the conversations we had, and so I won’t trouble you with that… except to say that my dear friend really likes to talk about feces.

While she was here, we took a brief trip back to my original hometown of Mt. Julie+, just to look around at the places where I grew up. I hadn’t been there in several years, and I don’t plan to go back anytime soon. I was more uncomfortable being there than I remember being much of anywhere ever, with the possible exception of a certain winter cabin in Lake Dillon, Colorado. I’m sure an entry on the subject is forthcoming.

In other news, you may recall my statements of excitement this summer regarding the fall potential of a band for which I write. Things apparently went pretty well for them Saturday afternoon. I’m proud.

This evening and the next couple of days are covered with late-season drill, and a couple of transcriptions. It is looking like the year will be financially better than it is for most “starving songwriters,” as the work seems to keep rolling in. This is very good news. In even better news, the writing seems to improve daily (it did this afternoon) and a couple of nice pitch opportunities have presented themselves. In the little time that I am here for the next two weeks (and some that I am not), I will by trying to get things together for those.

And for those of you who love to follow my mental state, things are good. I have realized, as a friend said to me when considering this move, that home is “portable.” At the time, I thought she meant that wherever you lived was home. Now I’m realizing that it isn’t… you take home with you. Nevertheless, I am more or less comfortable here now, though I know in my heart of hearts that there will be good and bad days. What the last two weeks have proven is that “the ones you love are always in your heart and if you're very lucky... a plane ride away.”

And lastly, for those of you to whom the previous quote applies: Please keep cheering, calling, and coming up to remind me that you are there. I’ve got that look in my eye, but the next few months are critical… every little thing helps.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Cheers, buddy... glad you are making it yours.

Don't worry, "we're" not going anywhere.