Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Bygones? Not anymore.

I had an experience today that brought up a past that I was well on my way to forgiving and forgetting. A once-trusted colleague and friend proved to me and others that the indiscretions of his past were not a blip on his moral radar, but were rather a symptom of his total absence of goodness. I have some things to say in his direction, though I don’t know if he reads this. So if you wish to read what happens when I am profoundly disappointed and angry, read on. If not, check back soon.

To Whom It May Concern (and you know who you are):

All people are fundamentally selfish, and it is only through the grace of a Greater Truth that we are capable of respecting the aims, desires, and needs of others. It is only through a need for something greater than ourselves that we can be willing to calm our self-serving instincts in the hope of being a part of a more global happiness.

You have proven, against my own wish to see some glimmer of good in you, that you never accepted this. It wasn’t enough for you. Thus you are left with nothing more than the only thing with which you ever concerned yourself: you. And that isn’t very much.

In the one moment in which my teachers, turned-mentors, turned-colleagues, turned-friends turned to congratulate me, you had to have your turn. “Halleleujah! Benedict Arnold is gone,” you said with a volume that was audible to far too many, as I was being wished well.

To think that I had intended to write you a letter thanking you for your contributions to me (when you still exhibited your best) now sickens me. It was just last week that I was extolling your virtues while listening to your work, but I now finally recognize the moments I heard as nothing more than academic and musical masturbation. So rather than attempt to support from afar whatever is left of what I once perceived to be occasionally misguided brilliance, I now choose to point out your every flaw. I choose to tell the truths that I had chosen to muffle, to expose the profound weaknesses that I had spun as the results of your eccentricity. I choose to reveal to those who want to know and those who don’t how shallow your façade of brilliance was.

You are a selfish bastard. Your existence is meaningless, and you will have left the world nothing of benefit when you are gone. You are an unmitigated fraud, and I look forward to the replenishment of the deficit of goodness that will accompany your departure.

You invert the value of the space you consume.

I am thankful that you have no one in your charge from whom you may suck life, and I intend to exhaust my every rightful avenue to make certain that you never do again. The fight was over, and you chose to take a little jab at the wrong man. I might still be a runt, but you have never seen me this angry. Unfortunately for you, your ace-in-the-hole is gone. You’ve nothing to hold over my head, and I have a very, very big mouth.

I will bide my time until I have no consequence to fear for speaking the truth about you, your actions, and your complete lack of regard for any entity other than yourself. Then, you will find my gloves on the floor, my eyes bloodshot, and my rage highly irrational.

Best wishes,


PS – Publix is hiring.


Ludakit said...

I can't wait for the sequel!


georgiagirl said...

God Damn him. I don't know what else to say.

Ginnie said...

All I can say is wow.... I've never heard words so powerful before. I'm rendered speechless and scared for who ever this is. (I'm glad it's not me!!! that's for damn sure)

Will said...

When some people leave you cry, and when some peolpe leave you cheer. Once in a great while you cheer and cry at the same time.
We are all cheering and crying for you. Anyone else, who can't see past their own selfishness, needs to do the world a favor and jump.

Dave said...

Indeed, let the carpets fly.

What a sad state of affairs when one person single handedly destroys all of the credibility they built for themselves, simply because they cannot deny themselves the urge for more.

Mr. Oubre said...

Make sure we are all invited and I'll have my Axis of Evil membership card with me too....

Oob said...

Even at his best, he could never dream of being half the man you are.