Monday, May 16, 2005


First, an update. Finals are fini. Search is underway. Pseudo-vacation is nigh.

The gentleman who interviewed today to become the new me had a tough break as his audition ensemble was made up of about 25 people, ranging from a few principal players in the wind ensemble to at least one songwriter-turned-
educator-turned-songwriter playing the secondary instrument, which he once played somewhat poorly. Turns out that I now play the tuba very poorly, and Jaime R. was beside me to hear it. We each promised that we wouldn’t tell anyone, so shhhhhhhh!

I have always, or almost always believed that musicians should listen to all types of music, and that little harm can be done by listening to a style or genre of music which does not happen to be that of one’s livelihood. My friend Steve D. got me listening seriously to jazz several years ago (after my middle school BD had me listening to it as a hobby). It has definitely helped my writing, and has done wonders for my teaching ability. I have also taken great joy in witnessing his education in modern country music. In fact, I have taken a bit of joy in watching many friends learn the finer points of country music when pointed to a gem or a work of a particular depth (I’m not sure that it is stylistically correct to ever refer to the “finer” points of country music. Something about light beer and a chaw just causes me not to think of the word “finer” in association with the genre. Perhaps it’s just me.).

Side note: In thinking about the recent upswing in country music sales and profitability, I would now, more than ever, wish to say to the entire industry, “K, y’all. Lots of people that don’t listen to country music are now thanks to Tim McGr@w, R@scall Fl@tts, Gretchen Wils0n, B|g & R|ch and others. Y’all don’t put out any crap for a couple of years and let’s see if we can’t break the 11% mark of total sales. Whaddy’all say?” While driving back from dinner on Saturday night with Trina, I was reminded that this would have been futile, as I finally heard a tune that I knew was on the way, but didn’t realize completely sucked hayseed. The tune is called “H0nkyt0nk Bad0nkad0nk.” I am dumber for having heard it, and in fact accidentally drooled on my guitar tonight. Bummer.

Back to the point. I’m finding that the Gershwin, B. Joel, opera, and Prokofiev I’m writing for marching bands is driving my musical thought. It’s making my country songs better, increasing my writing productivity, and actually giving me a bit of a foray into the pop (and maybe even R&B) style. I think it’s cool that not being exclusive to one genre actually helps one write within one’s chosen genre.

I’m packing up the computer tomorrow and heading to the beach with the whole fam damily for a vacation (more or less). I have to write the whole time to stay ahead. But I’m still hoping for a sunburn or two, and a golf score of under 140. One can always hope, until one has proven that one sucks at golf.

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