Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tell Me What to Do

I was supposed to have judged this coming weekend at this event. I learned today (which is unacceptably late by the way) that the event has been cancelled.

Georgia plays Mississippi State in football this weekend, and it is the penultimate home game of this season. Plus, the last performance of the Funkles will be taking place this weekend as well. The logistics of a trip to Athens are more complicated than usual this time.

My parents have rented a cabin in Gatlinburg for the weekend as well, and invited me some time back. I had to turn them down due to my gig, but now I don't have the gig.

So, you tell me what to do. Should I:

A. Go to Athens and find a way to make the logistics work?
B. Go to Gatlinburg, knowing that I will only see one more Georgia game in person this year?
C. Stay in Nashville and not spend money, not drink to excess, not eat like shit, and sleep in my own bed?

Opine, please.


galarza said...

go to athens and dance to the disco (which i know you love to do...)

Chris said...

Can't tell you what to do here, but I can say this. Five years down the road... when you look back. Which even do you think will be more important to you?

Dave said...

You subconsciously listed the Athens plan as option A, because it is really your mind's first choice.

How 'bout that shit, Freud.

Russell said...

See you Friday.

Chris said...

B. Visit with the folks. You can watch the dawgs on tv for the away games, and see them in person next year.

Ludakit said...

You go to Athens. You'll see your parents sooner or later, but the Funkles will be no longer after Friday...it's a momentus event.

Also, I have a place to crash on Friday and Saturday in Athens (so no hotel) and you're the best drinking buddy I have.

Athens it is.

Gunner said...

Given the fragility of the things we deal with, the question becomes: In spite of friends that would love to see you, which good bye - at the end of the weekend - is the one that holds the most importance. I'm just saying...

Russell said...

Gunner (sigh...) as usual, makes a very good point. I miss Gunner.