Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bitchy and Amplified

I confirmed this morning that I am in a bitchy mood. The two examples from yesterday were amplified today by a situation in which I threatened to walk from one of my better gigs over something that really wasn't worth threatening to walk over. I think it's the residual effect of something that I promised not to whine about anymore, combined with feeling cooped up in this apartment and a shitty mattress that I still haven't replaced.

I am really looking forward to that laptop getting here (kinda) so I can go to my favorite coffee shop and work elsewhere.

Kudos to Anonymous for introducing herself. She has one of the world's most important, and often thankless, jobs (Mom), and it looks like she was once a band person (who I believe are generally the best, if not the weirdest, people in the world... the person I promised not to talk about was one too). Welcome, Stephanie. Comment anytime, especially when I get silly or mean.

Charlotte tomorrow. Cheers.

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