Sunday, April 23, 2006

" I move to dissolve the corporation in a pool of margaritas." - Steely Dan

That's how I felt about going to Atlanta this week, and I feel like that's pretty much what happened. I had great times with great friends with a suprisingly high degree of moderation, hopefully taught someone something, and had some good driving time to put the pieces back together how I wanted to.

I've got wonderful friends who would hop in front of a train for me if they thought it would do any good. I got out of Athens just in time to avoid a situation in which I would have been absolutely miserable. I've got enough work to pay the bills. I'm in the best place in the world to do what I really want to do with my career. I've got enough freedom from obligations to do something that I want to do on a daily basis.

So, I've put the Bowling Green thing to bed... no more whining about that topic. I'm going to do my best not to think about it either. It won't do me any good, I've got enough to do and think about as it is, and every day I sulk about it is one that I won't get back.

Hope everyone had good weekends.


Mr. Oubre said...

How was the CD?

Russell said...

He played it for us Saturday night. It was excellent.

Dave said...

Good to see you - thanks for stopping by. Sorry about the whole sleep thing...