Friday, October 06, 2006

You should most definitely not be dancing

Four things:

• I wrote this ginormous entry about the subject matter of bullet #2. I read it, and hated it. So I deleted 98% of it, and now offer the muts and dolts.

• I was dragged kicking and screaming to a ballroom dance class tonight. You may know that there are two reasons that I don't dance. The first is that it is impossible to simultaneously dance and be cynical, and I value my cynicism very highly. The second is that I think dancing is stupid. Nevertheless, I had a moderately enjoyable time and will probably go back. Tomorrow.

It's still stupid though.

• Today in the shower, I was thinking about how some people I know might describe themselves as they think others see them in one sentence. I decided that my sentence might be He is, on one hand, perhaps the most cynical and troubled person I know; and on the other, he is alarmingly normal. Just my take.


galarza said...

isn't that only 3 things?

Chris said...

Ballroom dance class is one of my favorite memories from college. Got a lot of dates because of it.

Ginnie said...

What would my sentence be??? You would think after having written a personal statement I would be able to answer this, but sadly no.