Saturday, July 02, 2005

Say, say, say

To say that I am unemployed would be, well, somewhat accurate. For those who don’t know, however, I’m not exactly hoping the new apartment complex happens to have a lovely grove of money trees. I'm not even sure there's any such thing. Leslie?

What I am doing is writing what might technically be called a beaucoupdle of arrangements and drill designs for high school and college bands. The money is pretty good, and it allows for a lot of time to do the things I need to do once I get upwind. However, the workload is very concentrated in one time of the year…

Namely, right now. So, I have little to say that is blogworthy. I could tell you that I am worried about that second page of the ballad. You would probably tell me that a ballad that takes two pages is one page too long. I could tell you that I am worried about a particular part going too high. You would probably tell me that this is a good thing for a man my age.

So, I will simply tell you that I am busier than normal, and not in all of the ways either of us wishes I were.

By the way, I am currently planning a series of entries that I will post after I move aimed at alleviating the perception that I am too cool for school when I write in music-speak. For instance, if I ever say “I got a cut,” I would hope you wouldn’t think I became involved in a nasty gang quarrel. If I tell you I’m hoping for “a deal with a draw,” you shouldn’t think that I have given in and started playing poker with Galarza and Russell.

I also can’t stand it, however, when people speak any type of industry language for the purpose of sounding, um, up in it? Sophistimacated? Like a professionalist? And as you know, my worst fear is offending anyone, so that will be on the way soon.

In the mean time, shutup.

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