Friday, August 19, 2005


Adam joins me from Cincinatti today for two and one-half days of revelling in the music business and bitching about why I'm not getting cuts and he's not getting gigs. This is an old pastime that we have been practicing for about 11 years, but haven't had a chance to do since spring '03 in Albuquerque.

In a way, it will be sorta sad when he's working as much as he wants and I'm getting cuts all of the time.

Who am I kidding? No it won't.

14 days, plus, for y'all. About 19 for me.

Additional observations:
- I am highly disturbed that the phrases "Peace on you" and "Piss on you" sound so similar. I think this may be the cause of the current problems the Americans seem to have with the Muslim world... just a little dialect problem, that's all.
- South Carolina is way better in NCAA Football 06 than I think they're going to be in real life. It is making me nervous, though.
- Everytime they talk about that BTK killer, I always think of Burger King.


Russell said...

Or as the Catholics say, "Piece be with you", wait; that's not right.

Brett said...

Hi Julie!