Saturday, August 06, 2005

Letting it happen

Today was a neat day. I spent the first part writing drill and helping around the old office by email and phone.

This is the flashback portion of the entry. Flashback with me to last Monday (Dlalalaloo, Dlalalaloo, Dlalalaloo).

I sat at the 'Bird for several hours almost entirely unhappy with the experience. After his performance, I said "Nice work" to the one writer on the night who I felt deserved more stage time than he got. He said, "thanks," and went about his way.

Fast forward to Tuesday night. You will recall that I sat in a cool green chair. Well, the same writer came up and sat down next to me, and I introduced myself. His name is Scott. He told me he was playing a "round" on Friday night at this place. I told him I would make it a point to be there. (Editor's note: A "round" is what most people would consider a "line." You take turns playing 3 or 4 songs, then it's someone else's turn.)

Moments after this, four women were looking for a place to sit, and they chose the edge of the raised portion of floor upon which the afforementioned chair sits. When they did, they realized that I was sitting behind them. In an effort not to be rude, they asked if that was ok. Of course it was fine. Nothing else was said that night.

Fast forward to tonight. I went to the Quarter to hear Scott. I was one of five people in the audience in the beginning. So, rather than introduce the performers to the crowd, the host of the night introduced the audience to the performers. I think this was a good idea. Scott's stuff was good, and you can tell he has great ideas and really wants to do this. When he finished we agreed to keep in touch and write when he gets back to town.

Moments later, a woman walks in and sets a fiddle on a table and asks the bartender for an ice water. I recognized her as the attractive woman at the far end of "the group of four" who sat by me on Tuesday. After hearing her play and sing (which she does quite nicely), I learned that she had once attended this fine institution, then this fine institution, then this fine institution. After discussing career goals, etc, she invites me to the lounge of this hotel to hear her roommate play another round.

I went, and loved what I heard and who I met. Her friends, who are writers are very cool. She introduced me to the unofficial "may0r of music r0w," who was very encouraging, and an established writer or two. She also talked me through the process of getting on that writer's night.

I'm glad I didn't sit on my butt and write drill tonight. There is time for that tomorrow. And if you ever read this Alisa, thank you very much. This is starting to feel like the right move.


Gunner said...

Freakin' cool.

Oob said...

It's one thing to make the move. It's another to put yourself out there meet people, frequent new places and learn the ropes. Good on you, Brett.

Ludakit said...
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Ludakit said...

Oh and P.S. I had thought I heard you were going to be in Athens for band camp this year and since I thought band camp started Monday, THAT'S why I sent you a text message.

Next time you're in Athens, my damn phone had better ring. And there's a new bar called The Arch that's really friggin nice.

That guy said...

Sandy Creek High School? No kidding. Small world. Where were girls like than when I was there?

Glad to know things are shaping up for you. It's very admirable that you're going into it headfirst like you are. You're certainly a braver man than I.

Brett said...

Damnit, Kit!

Dave said...

That was so much fun to read... good for you! Very exciting.

Ludakit said...

