Thursday, April 21, 2005

Another good 'un

Had a great time with Amos, Sue-anna, and the Gunner last night. We more or less revelled in the great job that the band did. I'm still pretty overwhelmed.

Woke up at 7:30 this morning to nothing. Power was out. My brain began mentally replaying my first-of-the-month bill-paying session (not my favorite ocassion), certain that I somehow overlooked my power bill. I rose from my bed, wearing my normal bedtime wear, and checked the front door handle to make sure I didn't have a service termination notice.


In fact, no one's lights were on. So I went back to sleep. Got a couple of good wake up calls from Trina (No, she did not nudge me) and got up again. Still powerless, in more ways than one, I thought of how to handle my various needs, namely: the need to bathe, the need to shave, the need to have un-wrinkled clothes for my appearance at jury duty.

One outta three ain't bad.

There was enough warm water for me to take a shower. For the record, I would rather smell like fermented onion farts than have a cold shower invert certain parts of my anatomy. But I managed. As my Coleman camp lantern was at my parents' house, I could not see to shave, and did not attempt to. My clothes drawer is not so much a "drawer" as a "pile," and thus I had no "ironed" clothes. I made do, but it was less than perfect.

Off to Grant Drury Doody. Short day there.

School. Wind Ensemble. Email. Home for a nap that lasted 90 minutes too long. Rushed to the hall in time for part one.

Yet another great night. Wind Ensemble played their butts off on the two pieces I had something to do with, and everything for that matter. Neat time. Cub and I used that gift certificate. I then returned to my abode for my nightly dose of Intertainment. Even now, I'm having enjoyable conversations with a really great new friend or two (or one).

I'm really enjoying myself these days.

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