Monday, January 03, 2005

Change, openness (if that's a word), etc.

I hate to be so thinky all the time on this blog, but most anyone knows that I have a one-track mind and can't help but tell more of the truth than is often to my advantage.

I am amazed that I'm still okay with all of this but I am. It still just feels right. Yes, it was tough encountering all of those "lasts" and a bit tough to hold it together when someone came and told me what I meant to them. But I haven't been sorry at any point.

I also began to think about the first thing I'm going to work on before I leave, and that is being "open..." or not attempting to dictate the world around me or being picky about the way that reality chooses to present itself. I found in my very early attempts to do this that it made me comfortable. I found a lot more in people that was of benefit to me than I had chosen to see before. I'm going to try to keep that up, because I felt so much better around people when that was the case.

And I'm going to try to deal with the fact that life has changed in more ways than this one. Frankly, everyone knows now that I'm leaving and may be tempted to let me be because they may believe that I don't have anything else to offer them in the all-too brief time I have left in the place I have felt most at home. I hope that doesn't happen, but it's likely to. Just another one of the tragedies of being true to yourself.

Remember.... I ain't gone yet.

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