Monday, January 17, 2005

Sleaux Sunday

First off, kudos to Russell for the new appearance of his blog. Very sexy.

The responses to my previous blog have been a little slow, but so far Mike and Russ are tied for first place. I'm very excited for the rest of you (well who reads my blog? uh, Steve, Sarah, Lindsay, Trey, Tony, Ellen, Will -if he still has a computer- and possibly Molly) to submit yours. Come on now, quitters forfeit their right to succeed.

It has been a slow Sunday. The Lady Dogs of UGA defeated the Auburn Tigers today, in what could best be classified a total blowout. Though some say that seeing a Georgia women's basketball game is a must, I completely disagree. They're all blowouts. Games at home are almost never close, and I repeatedly find myself browsing through my phone hoping to find the one amazing feature that I have somehow missed, or coming up with something else stupid for the band to say during the SEC action.

Speaking of that, for some reason, the Redshirts have decided that the following cheer is appropriate and meaningful for basketball games:

(to the rhythm of the famed "LET'S go BULL-dogs" or "GET her DIG-its" cheers of basketball band lore):

"GIN-gi-VI-tis" [clap - clap - rest - cl - clap]

They recently have been attempting several different physical maladies inside that same rhythmic frame. Among them are:

"IN-grown TOE-nail"
"AC-id RE-flux"
"IM-pacted WISDOM tooth"



As Dan Quayle once said, "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is very wasteful. How true that is."

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