Friday, January 14, 2005


I took down yesterday's blog because I didn't like how I had written what I tried to write... the complications of a night on the town with the Gunner. So let me try again.

Miss Saigon was fantastic. The things that those men and women do, their willingness to expose themselves (mostly figuratively, except in "Hair"), and their raw talent is stunning. The production was visually and aurally beautiful. It's important to me to see things like that regularly, and I'm looking forward to a life that will allow me to do that, both in terms of time and finances.

I was also stunned by Tim and Leigh. They are such different people from one another in ways that many people think are important. I'm starting to realize that they aren't that important (those things). They are in luv, though. And that's cool too. It is refreshing to see people who feel that way about each other... who move heaven and earth to make each other happy, but who also exist as individuals. I learn a lot from watching them, and really appreciate their friendship (along with a lot of other people).

I've been revisiting a song I wrote for Rusty and Ellen some time back. Just on my mind, and a melody that I still intend to use at some point. Get me to sing it for you. I like the lift but the bridge could use some work.


Michael said...

"I like the lift but the bridge could use some work."

Boy, isn't that just the way it goes? The real question is, do the lyrics suck?

Brett said...

It's a "process," Mike. Gah!

Russell said...

Sing it for us. Use "Audioblogger" no, I'm not kidding. You can use this tool to phone in a post. Go to bloggers main page and scroll to the bottom for the link.