Saturday, January 08, 2005


As I sit here opening your window into my world, my fingers are greasy. One may ask, "Brett, why ARE your fingers greasy?"


I'm eating a delicious bacon cheeseburger from Sonic. When I opened the foil package to reveal my burger, I noticed something unusual. I eat burgers from a lot of places. Wendy's cheeseburgers are always greasy, and they have that extra meat from the square patty hanging from the edges of the bun. McDonald's cheeseburgers are consistent... I expect that the next 1/4-lber. w/ cheese I eat will be exactly like one I got in 6th grade. Burber King burgers are kinda, "eh, whatever."

But this Sonic burger is different. Here's how...

I can tell it was made with love. And that, my friends, is why Sonic is "America's Drive-In."

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