Sunday, February 20, 2005

Good weekend! Good friends, good times, and Georgia men won! Woo hoo.

On Friday, I had coffee downtown with a good friend. A very friendly gentleman was introducing himself to every person on the good end of a dog leash. He would then engage them in conversation about their pup, and was just terribly enthusiastic about them... much like Molly Shannon on Dog Show. I hope you remember, "I... uuuhlike ....nnnnDAWGS!" One person he stopped committed an infraction of Rule 6.7A. She referred to the way that her dog "interacted" with other dogs. I just don't understand this interaction thing.

Good dinner with buds Tim, Trey, and Rus([s]el)(ty)... Dave was a latecomer, works for a living. We counted things. We were joined by Jen for a few at the 'kstone, and there was loud music and philosophy. Linds joined us as the Funkles played a kicking show. Gunner danced like a twenty year-old... may have pulled his flemenon (ouch!). Then home.

Sunday was bball. This game is what I will deem the Futility Classic. With 8:45 remaining in the 1st half, the Dawgs led... 9-4 over the Plainsmen. Wouch. It got better, and we won, which gets the boys a gold star. Saaalute.

Today has been writing and working. Nice change.

The docket this week includes a concert which will hopefully come together Tuesday and a "routine" physical at the doctor. Just so you know there is nothing "routine" about a physical after 30, so if I look violated Wednesday afternoon, it's probably because I will have been. Joy of joys.

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